News — pcsecurity
Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?
antivirus backup cyber security data protection home devices malware parentalcontrol pcsecurity privacy protection security software spying spyware threats update vpn

With so much choice out there for Antivirus products, it is hard to sometimes make a smart choice, especially when there are so called ‘Free’ products. But as the saying goes… there no such thing as a Free lunch! To safeguard your devices and data, it is extremely important to have the best protection you can get, one that will regularly update, to help to secure you from on-going & changing threats. These ‘Free’ products can be very tempting, but beware, you may think you are receiving the software for free, but often the software has a ‘trade off’ where...
Passwords-The Real Truth!
antivirus cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection global devices malware multifactor authentication password manager passwords pcsecurity protection security security risks technology update

With the digital world absorbing all our lives now, passwords are the centre of all our devices universe! Whether using devices at work or for personal use, our passwords are the key to giving us our access. But how often do we update them? How often do we use the same passwords for various sites? With the World Password Day nearly upon us (Yes there is such a day!) we all should be more mindful about our security online, and our passwords are one of the highest priorities. We all know what we should be doing, but are we doing...
antivirus coronavirus covid-19 cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection fake ads global devices homeworker pcsecurity phishing protection scams security social media software technology update

Cyber advice for homeworkers to avoid cyber criminals exploiting Covid-19 Due to the latest advice from our UK government, more & more business and companies are asking their employees to work from home. So, to aid companies, the UK’s Cyber Security Agency has issued guidance to keep data safe from criminals trying to use the virus for exploitation. It comes as more workers resort to working from home, in response to the latest recommendations from the Government aimed at slowing the spread of Covid-19. It warns that devices at home have a higher chance of being stolen or lost, so...
antivirus cyber attack cyber security data breach data protection pcsecurity protection security vpn

Dixons Carphone have been issued a massive fine of £500,000 for a huge data security breach which displayed names, postcodes, private email addresses as well as unsuccessful credit checks of over 14 million customers. On top of this, upon investigation from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) it was revealed that around 5.6 million credit/debit card details were also breached during the huge security attack between July 2017 and April 2018. This is not the first fine The Carphone group has received. Back in July 2015 The Carphone Warehouse, part of the same group, had also been...