News — apple
Facebook v Apple: What is it all about?
App controls apple cookies cyber security data breach data protection devices Facebook gift shopping home devices home systems homeworker infomation innovations pcsecurity privacy protection security security technology shopping online SMART DEVICES social media software technical developments technology

Apple have recently introduced a new feature to their iPhones and iPads, causing a great disturbance between themselves and Facebook. The new Apple feature allows users to switch off the access to their private data being collected by apps. Facebook are up in arms as they are extremely reliant on the user data for the advertising it generates, this is what makes the company its profits. At the centre of this row is a unique device identifier which is on all iPhones and iPads, called a IDFA (identifier for advertisers) Businesses that sell mobile ads use this IDFA to target...
'Mysterious' malware targets Apple users
antivirus Antivirus Software apple cyber attack cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices global devices Hacking home devices home systems infections Internet security Software malware pcsecurity protection security security technology threats

Around 30,000 mac devices with M1 chips have been infected with a very mysterious malware. This very unusual strain of malware called the ‘silver sparrow’ strain has quietly infiltrated systems in over 150 countries around the globe. A security company discovered it but no one can establish, as yet, its purpose. Apple have taken steps to protect and restrict the potential dangers of this odd malware, this has prevented any new devices from being infected. How can existing users know if they are affected by this malware? Researchers have discovered that the ‘silver sparrow’ strain doesn’t exhibit the usual traits...