News — smartphones
Are Free Antivirus Apps for your Android phone trustworthy?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cyberhabits data breach data protection devices Internet security Software malware privacy protection ransomware security smartphones spying spyware

Recent research suggests it might not be! As with any installation of any apps we should be vigilant always, even if they are coming from a trusted source like Google Play Store. But recent reports have uncovered worries about FREE antivirus and ‘cleaning up’ Apps, so while you think you are protecting your phone from Malware and other cyber infiltration, this might not be true. Many of these free apps can contain links to malicious sites and contain trackers, so it’s doing the exact thing you are trying to avoid by downloading in the first place! In-depth research has discovered...
A guide to Malware in Smartphones and Fake Apps
antivirus Antivirus Software App controls cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber-criminals data protection devices fake ads hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software mobile apps Norton Antivirus Software ransomware security SMART DEVICES smartphones spyware

We have all probably heard of Malware by now and how it can infect and affect our desktop computers and laptops, but how many of us think of our Mobiles and Tablets becoming infected? Recent studies show that Malware attacks are slightly decreasing on Laptops and desktop computers and increasing on Smartphones and Tablets. Statistics show that Smartphone protection take up is a lot lower than with other devices, so because of this, hackers have changed direction and concentrated more on easier infiltration of our less protected devices like our smartphones. What types of Malware should we look for? Grayware....