News — multifactor authentication
Are you staying safe on Social Media, home & away?
cyber attack cyber crime protection cybercriminals data protection global devices infomation multifactor authentication passwords pcsecurity phishing protection security SMART DEVICES social media software spyware technology vpn

Posting our experiences and photos on Social Media is something we all do, especially when we are travelling or on Holiday. But have you ever thought of the safety implications when you do this? Here are a few things to think about and help you stay safe on social Media Platforms. Check your ‘Friends’ List. Make sure that you are posting to people that you trust when displaying personal details, especially when you include how long you will be away etc. Never befriend someone you don’t know or have casually met. You can always wait until to get to know...
Millennials V Baby Boomers? Who is the safest online?
antivirus Biometrics cyber crime protection cyber security data protection global devices malware multifactor authentication password manager passwords phishing protection security SMART DEVICES social media software technology virus

Millennials v Baby Boomers, which one is more secure online? Check out the chart to see the full story, you might be surprised at some of the results!
Passwords-The Real Truth!
antivirus cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection global devices malware multifactor authentication password manager passwords pcsecurity protection security security risks technology update

With the digital world absorbing all our lives now, passwords are the centre of all our devices universe! Whether using devices at work or for personal use, our passwords are the key to giving us our access. But how often do we update them? How often do we use the same passwords for various sites? With the World Password Day nearly upon us (Yes there is such a day!) we all should be more mindful about our security online, and our passwords are one of the highest priorities. We all know what we should be doing, but are we doing...