News — cloud
antivirus Antivirus Software bank accounts cloud cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals Dark web data protection databackup devices hackers infections Internet security Software malware parentalcontrol password manager pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware security

Something we don’t really want to think about while we are happily browsing the internet, or doing our shopping or banking, is ‘am I protected against cyber criminals? & if not, what is my best protection? A virus is one of the least worrying thing now that are devices can attract, we now have numerous other worries that can infiltrate our devices like Spyware, Malware and Ransomware to name just a few. Last year, globally, there were 850 million victims of cyber-crime, someone in the world falls foul to Identity theft every 2 seconds! But as Cyber-Crime evolves, so does Antivirus...
Have you backed up your data recently?
backup cloud cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals cyberhabits data breach data protection databackup externalhard drives home devices home systems memorystick privacy protection security security technology software storage usbstick

With mostly all our personal information now being held on digital devices, whether it be laptops, phones or tablets, more than ever it is important not just to protect these devices with a good all round antivirus package, it is also essential to ‘back up’ or ‘save’ your data. Phones can break or be stolen, the same for tablets. Laptops can contract viruses and make impossible to retrieve your personal data. Have you ever considered what you would do if you phone broke or was stolen? All that personal info like phone/email contacts, addresses, photos, would be lost to you,...