News — global devices
'Mysterious' malware targets Apple users
antivirus Antivirus Software apple cyber attack cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices global devices Hacking home devices home systems infections Internet security Software malware pcsecurity protection security security technology threats

Around 30,000 mac devices with M1 chips have been infected with a very mysterious malware. This very unusual strain of malware called the ‘silver sparrow’ strain has quietly infiltrated systems in over 150 countries around the globe. A security company discovered it but no one can establish, as yet, its purpose. Apple have taken steps to protect and restrict the potential dangers of this odd malware, this has prevented any new devices from being infected. How can existing users know if they are affected by this malware? Researchers have discovered that the ‘silver sparrow’ strain doesn’t exhibit the usual traits...
How to dispose of Old Devices Securely, Responsibly & Eco-friendly.
antivirus backup cyber security data breach data protection datawipe future technology global devices home devices home systems infomation malware pcsecurity privacy recycle safety SMART DEVICES spyware technology virus

Technology changes as fast as the weather can, so we are all sourcing new devices more frequently to keep up with the tech. These Devices have also become the ‘go-to’ birthday or Christmas presents. We all know that our ‘new’ toy must be protected with secure passwords and a good antivirus, but do we think about what to do with our old devices? Its no good having all our security on our new device when we are throwing/giving our old device away without securing it first. It’s like having a burglar alarm fitted on your house but leaving the backdoor...
Are you staying safe on Social Media, home & away?
cyber attack cyber crime protection cybercriminals data protection global devices infomation multifactor authentication passwords pcsecurity phishing protection security SMART DEVICES social media software spyware technology vpn

Posting our experiences and photos on Social Media is something we all do, especially when we are travelling or on Holiday. But have you ever thought of the safety implications when you do this? Here are a few things to think about and help you stay safe on social Media Platforms. Check your ‘Friends’ List. Make sure that you are posting to people that you trust when displaying personal details, especially when you include how long you will be away etc. Never befriend someone you don’t know or have casually met. You can always wait until to get to know...
Easyjet Cyber-Breach affecting around 9 million customers
antivirus cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data breach data protection global devices malware phishing software spyware

Easyjet Cyber- breach affected around 9 million customers. Details have emerged this month that email addresses, travel details and in some cases, credit and debit card information, have been stolen from this very renowned company. Easyjet have informed and is working closely with the UK’s information Commissioners Office (ICO) during the on-going investigation. EasyJet first became aware of the attack in January, but it was only able to start informing customers about the breach in April. The reason being that it was such a highly sophisticated attack, so it took time to unravel and find who had been impacted. "We...
Millennials V Baby Boomers? Who is the safest online?
antivirus Biometrics cyber crime protection cyber security data protection global devices malware multifactor authentication password manager passwords phishing protection security SMART DEVICES social media software technology virus

Millennials v Baby Boomers, which one is more secure online? Check out the chart to see the full story, you might be surprised at some of the results!