News — software
Protecting your Personal Identifiable information (PII)
antivirus Antivirus Software bank accounts cyber attack cyber security cybercriminals data breach data protection devices Facebook hackers home systems Identity theft Internet security Software McAfee Antivirus software mobile banking pcsecurity phishing protection security risks software vpn

With all PII we create and share on the internet, that calls for protecting it. Otherwise, our PII could fall into the hands of a hacker or identity thief and end up getting abused, in potentially painful and costly ways. Here are several things you can do to help ensure that what’s private stays that way: 1) Use a complete security platform that can also protect your privacy Square One is to protect your devices with comprehensive online protection software. This will defend you against the latest virus, malware, spyware, and ransomware attacks plus further protect your privacy and identity. In addition...
Do you really need antivirus software in 2021?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals data protection devices future technology hackers Hacking home systems Internet security Software malware pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware security security technology software technology threats virus

Do you really need to use antivirus software these days? As we all know, technology is racing a long, changing and reforming, to aid us in our daily lives, but like Ying and Yang, with the good side of these amazing strides comes the bad side. The cybercriminals are working just as fast to keep ahead of changing technologies and creating malicious programs with the intent to either steal something or create havoc or both! The answer is plain and simple, we need to keep our devices protected. I know that most of us think that not having antivirus software...
Simply Antivirus- Great Savings on the Latest Antivirus Software
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection home devices home systems Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams security software Spear Phishing spyware

Unfortunately, no individual or business is safe from cyber crime. Cyber criminals don’t discriminate and will target all types of companies. For instance, a recent report has found that a number of charities have been targeted in the past few weeks. Phishing was one of the biggest issues, together with ransomware and authorised access. The National Cyber Security Centre has also discovered a rise in cyber attacks on the education sector, including schools. People working from home are more subject to phishing attacks, with cyber threats having increased significantly in light of the rise in remote working. Indeed, cyber attacks...
Facebook v Apple: What is it all about?
App controls apple cookies cyber security data breach data protection devices Facebook gift shopping home devices home systems homeworker infomation innovations pcsecurity privacy protection security security technology shopping online SMART DEVICES social media software technical developments technology

Apple have recently introduced a new feature to their iPhones and iPads, causing a great disturbance between themselves and Facebook. The new Apple feature allows users to switch off the access to their private data being collected by apps. Facebook are up in arms as they are extremely reliant on the user data for the advertising it generates, this is what makes the company its profits. At the centre of this row is a unique device identifier which is on all iPhones and iPads, called a IDFA (identifier for advertisers) Businesses that sell mobile ads use this IDFA to target...
Have you backed up your data recently?
backup cloud cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals cyberhabits data breach data protection databackup externalhard drives home devices home systems memorystick privacy protection security security technology software storage usbstick

With mostly all our personal information now being held on digital devices, whether it be laptops, phones or tablets, more than ever it is important not just to protect these devices with a good all round antivirus package, it is also essential to ‘back up’ or ‘save’ your data. Phones can break or be stolen, the same for tablets. Laptops can contract viruses and make impossible to retrieve your personal data. Have you ever considered what you would do if you phone broke or was stolen? All that personal info like phone/email contacts, addresses, photos, would be lost to you,...