What is the internet of things (IoT’s)?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber security cyber-criminals data protection future technology geolocation hackers Hacking home devices home systems Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software passwords privacy protection ransomware security smart camera SMART DEVICES technology

Did you know that your fridge, washing machine, fitness bikes or even your smart Doorbell may be fitted with an Internet/Wi-Fi device? More and more of our household machines and ‘things’ are now being fitted with wi-fi receivers, sensors and other technological software. The Internet of things (IoT’s) describes the network of physical objects—a.k.a. "things"—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. For us consumers, it means that our things can be ‘controlled and Programmed’ without the aid of a keyboard or screen. Many of our...
Facebook v Apple: What is it all about?
App controls apple cookies cyber security data breach data protection devices Facebook gift shopping home devices home systems homeworker infomation innovations pcsecurity privacy protection security security technology shopping online SMART DEVICES social media software technical developments technology

Apple have recently introduced a new feature to their iPhones and iPads, causing a great disturbance between themselves and Facebook. The new Apple feature allows users to switch off the access to their private data being collected by apps. Facebook are up in arms as they are extremely reliant on the user data for the advertising it generates, this is what makes the company its profits. At the centre of this row is a unique device identifier which is on all iPhones and iPads, called a IDFA (identifier for advertisers) Businesses that sell mobile ads use this IDFA to target...
A guide to Malware in Smartphones and Fake Apps
antivirus Antivirus Software App controls cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber-criminals data protection devices fake ads hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software mobile apps Norton Antivirus Software ransomware security SMART DEVICES smartphones spyware

We have all probably heard of Malware by now and how it can infect and affect our desktop computers and laptops, but how many of us think of our Mobiles and Tablets becoming infected? Recent studies show that Malware attacks are slightly decreasing on Laptops and desktop computers and increasing on Smartphones and Tablets. Statistics show that Smartphone protection take up is a lot lower than with other devices, so because of this, hackers have changed direction and concentrated more on easier infiltration of our less protected devices like our smartphones. What types of Malware should we look for? Grayware....
Can smart home assistants be hacked?
cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices future technology home devices home systems password manager passwords privacy protection safety security security risks shopping online SMART DEVICES spying

Smart home assistants, like Alexa and Google home, have soared in popularity across UK homes. A report showed that 22% of UK homes now own a digital home assistant, double the 11% figure reported in the same report for 2017. These devices have now become common place in our homes, we are now relying more and more on these smart assistants to aid us in our day to day routines, asking common questions like ‘is it going to rain today?’ or what’s the date today? Or linking it to our home systems like turning appliances, lights or the heating on. But are...
Mobile Banking-Protection Tips
antivirus Antivirus Software App controls bank accounts cyber attack cyber security data protection devices Internet security Software malware mobile apps mobile banking Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security phishing privacy protection scams security SMART DEVICES vpn

The trend for doing everything on your mobile phone is growing fast, one of these fastest areas of growth is MOBILE BANKING. We can now do virtually everything we need to do with our finances directly on our mobiles, including mobile check deposits plus much more. Banks are now ‘stripping down’ their in-branch services, and concentrating more on expanding their online banking services, which saves them time and money and makes it less necessary for customers to go the branch. The big question we are all asking, is this a safe option when dealing with the extremely important and vital...