News — cyberhabits
Are Free Antivirus Apps for your Android phone trustworthy?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cyberhabits data breach data protection devices Internet security Software malware privacy protection ransomware security smartphones spying spyware

Recent research suggests it might not be! As with any installation of any apps we should be vigilant always, even if they are coming from a trusted source like Google Play Store. But recent reports have uncovered worries about FREE antivirus and ‘cleaning up’ Apps, so while you think you are protecting your phone from Malware and other cyber infiltration, this might not be true. Many of these free apps can contain links to malicious sites and contain trackers, so it’s doing the exact thing you are trying to avoid by downloading in the first place! In-depth research has discovered...
Cybersecurity in 2021
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals cyberhabits devices hackers home devices home systems homeworker Internet security Software malware password manager phishing protection ransomware security risks Spear Phishing spyware

Never, in the history of the Internet, has it become so crucial & important in this past year, due mainly to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Shops, schools and businesses, plus personal communications via emails, video calls etc via the world wide web, have kept us all afloat during these unprecedented times. Sadly, the Cybercriminals & Hackers have been hard at work too, trying to infiltrate our business and personal cyberspace, so protecting our systems has never been more important. So, what is Cybersecurity? ‘Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from digital threats. Individuals and businesses...
Have you backed up your data recently?
backup cloud cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals cyberhabits data breach data protection databackup externalhard drives home devices home systems memorystick privacy protection security security technology software storage usbstick

With mostly all our personal information now being held on digital devices, whether it be laptops, phones or tablets, more than ever it is important not just to protect these devices with a good all round antivirus package, it is also essential to ‘back up’ or ‘save’ your data. Phones can break or be stolen, the same for tablets. Laptops can contract viruses and make impossible to retrieve your personal data. Have you ever considered what you would do if you phone broke or was stolen? All that personal info like phone/email contacts, addresses, photos, would be lost to you,...