News — spying
Do I Need Antivirus software? & Which is the best software for the home user?
antivirus Antivirus Software contacttracking cookies cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data breach data protection devices hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware pcsecurity phishing ransomware scams spying spyware virus

With so many online threats out there, and with our protection levels changing all the time, the questions we all ask is: Do I really need Antivirus Software? & if so, which is the best antivirus software that suits me? WHY DO I NEED ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE? I hear you cry Let’s take a look at why you would need antivirus software. An antivirus is a program which will protect your computer against viruses, or attacks which have the intent of damaging the computer or steal personal data. Antivirus programs are designed to detect and remove viruses, and in most instances...
Are Free Antivirus Apps for your Android phone trustworthy?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cyberhabits data breach data protection devices Internet security Software malware privacy protection ransomware security smartphones spying spyware

Recent research suggests it might not be! As with any installation of any apps we should be vigilant always, even if they are coming from a trusted source like Google Play Store. But recent reports have uncovered worries about FREE antivirus and ‘cleaning up’ Apps, so while you think you are protecting your phone from Malware and other cyber infiltration, this might not be true. Many of these free apps can contain links to malicious sites and contain trackers, so it’s doing the exact thing you are trying to avoid by downloading in the first place! In-depth research has discovered...
Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?
antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices geolocation hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security password manager passwords pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams security Spear Phishing spying spyware vpn

With so much choice out there for Antivirus products, it is hard to sometimes make a smart choice, especially when there are so called ‘Free’ products. But as the saying goes… there no such thing as a Free lunch! To safeguard your devices and data, it is extremely important to have the best protection you can get, one that will regularly update, to help to secure you from on-going & changing threats. These ‘Free’ products can be very tempting, but beware, you may think you are receiving the software for free, but often the software has a ‘trade off’ where...
Can smart home assistants be hacked?
cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices future technology home devices home systems password manager passwords privacy protection safety security security risks shopping online SMART DEVICES spying

Smart home assistants, like Alexa and Google home, have soared in popularity across UK homes. A report showed that 22% of UK homes now own a digital home assistant, double the 11% figure reported in the same report for 2017. These devices have now become common place in our homes, we are now relying more and more on these smart assistants to aid us in our day to day routines, asking common questions like ‘is it going to rain today?’ or what’s the date today? Or linking it to our home systems like turning appliances, lights or the heating on. But are...
Think you won’t get caught out by Scams?
Antivirus Software bank accounts cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection fake ads infomation Internet security Software malware Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software parentalcontrol phishing privacy scams security risks Spear Phishing spying

We hear, over and over again, on the news and through other medias, about people who have fallen for some form of financial scam, publicising how they prey on the vulnerable, like the elderly or the lonely. But don’t be fooled into a false sense of security that it won’t ever happen to you, as more and more of us are opening ourselves up for these criminals to take their ill-gotten gains. In 2018, £354m was lost to payment scams. Here are some the current financial scams that around: ‘Safe account’ scams You receive a call from a trusted organisation,...