News — Hacking

What is Hacking?

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals data protection databackup espionage hackers Hacking Internet security Software password manager passwords phishing ransomware security risks

What is Hacking?

Unless we have been living on a faraway distant planet, we have all heard of the term ‘Hacking’ But what is it actually? The Dictionary Definition: ‘Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose’. We have all seen the movies where the ‘Baddies’ have ‘hacked’ the governments computers and are able to launch the nuclear missiles to destroy the world! But in the real world, everyday Hacking is not quite so dramatic, but still can have devastating effects on personal...

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