Protecting your Personal Identifiable information (PII)
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With all PII we create and share on the internet, that calls for protecting it. Otherwise, our PII could fall into the hands of a hacker or identity thief and end up getting abused, in potentially painful and costly ways. Here are several things you can do to help ensure that what’s private stays that way: 1) Use a complete security platform that can also protect your privacy Square One is to protect your devices with comprehensive online protection software. This will defend you against the latest virus, malware, spyware, and ransomware attacks plus further protect your privacy and identity. In addition...
Why should I update my drivers on my Windows PC?
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The Importance of Regularly Updating Computer Drivers Updating computer drivers regularly is crucial for a plethora of reasons. Firstly, it enhances performance. Driver updates often come with improvements in speed and efficiency. This means that your hardware, be it a video card or a printer, can perform better after a driver update. If your system seems sluggish or your latest video game doesn’t run as smoothly as it should, the issue may very well be outdated drivers. Secondly, regularly updating drivers ensures software compatibility. As technology progresses, software and operating systems are frequently updated. These updates often require the latest...
How to clear Cache and Cookies

Is your browsing experience becoming sluggish? It might be time to clear your cache and cookies. These temporary files can accumulate over time, leading to slower loading times and potential privacy issues. Keep reading to learn more about cache and cookies and how to clear them. How to clear cache and cookies on Chrome Google Chrome is by far the most popular web browser in the world. Yet it has a reputation for using a lot of your device’s processing power and memory. The most straightforward way to reduce its resource consumption — and boost your privacy at the same...
Spring in to Action and check your Antivirus security!
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Are all your devices protected? Think that you don't need protection on your Mobile devices? Think again! Now that almost all mobile phone users use their devices for everything, from Shopping online, Banking and storing all our personal information such as contacts and addresses, there has never been a more important time to protect our phones from infiltrations from undesirables. Check out our great deals at Simply Antivirus Ltd - Be an early bird this Spring, don't wait for a cyberattack, get protected!
Need protection this Valentines Day?

Well, perhaps not the protection you had in mind! But why not check out our great deals here at Simply Antivirus Ltd