News — cyber attack

What are Cookies? And are they dangerous?

Antivirus Software cookies cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection Internet security Software malware Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software privacy protection safety security

What are Cookies? And are they dangerous?

We come across them on just about every website we visit, and usually habitually click ‘accept all’ so we can carry on viewing the website, but are we making our privacy vulnerable? Cookies are essential to the modern internet, they are text files with small pieces of data — like a username and password — that are used to identify your computer as you use a computer network. Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience. They let websites remember you, your logins, your shopping basket and much more. It’s...

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Can smart home assistants be hacked?

cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices future technology home devices home systems password manager passwords privacy protection safety security security risks shopping online SMART DEVICES spying

Can smart home assistants be hacked?

Smart home assistants, like Alexa and Google home, have soared in popularity across UK homes. A report showed that 22% of UK homes now own a digital home assistant, double the 11% figure reported in the same report for 2017. These devices have now become common place in our homes, we are now relying more and more on these smart assistants to aid us in our day to day routines, asking common questions like ‘is it going to rain today?’ or what’s the date today? Or linking it to our home systems like turning appliances, lights or the heating on. But are...

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Mobile Banking-Protection Tips

antivirus Antivirus Software App controls bank accounts cyber attack cyber security data protection devices Internet security Software malware mobile apps mobile banking Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security phishing privacy protection scams security SMART DEVICES vpn

Mobile Banking-Protection Tips

The trend for doing everything on your mobile phone is growing fast, one of these fastest areas of growth is MOBILE BANKING. We can now do virtually everything we need to do with our finances directly on our mobiles, including mobile check deposits plus much more. Banks are now ‘stripping down’ their in-branch services, and concentrating more on expanding their online banking services, which saves them time and money and makes it less necessary for customers to go the branch. The big question we are all asking, is this a safe option when dealing with the extremely important and vital...

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Poor Cyber-Security on Major Cosmetics brand

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data breach data protection Internet security Software malware Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security security security breach security risks threats

Poor Cyber-Security on Major Cosmetics brand

Poor Cyber-Security on Major Cosmetics brand.

One of the world’s most popular beauty product brands, Avon, has been found to have a significant data breach, which was discovered on its web server through an investigation in June 2020, publicly exposing data without password protection or encryption. Anyone who processed the servers IP-address could instantly access the business’s ‘open’ database.

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Do you know what Spear Phishing is?

Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security data protection infections malware Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software phishing privacy protection securirty security security risks Spear Phishing spyware

Do you know what Spear Phishing is?

We have all probably heard of ‘Phishing’ (Phishing is a way that criminals get sensitive information (like usernames or passwords). It is a method of social engineering. Very often, phishing is done by electronic mail. This mail appears to come from a bank or other service provider.) But have you heard of ‘Spear Phishing’? This might sound like something you would do in the wild to catch your supper, but spear phishing is smarter and very dangerous form of cyber-attack. Whereas ‘phishing’ is more a random form of attack, Spear phishing does research a few handpicked people and sends them personalised and much...

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