News — password manager

Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices geolocation hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security password manager passwords pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams security Spear Phishing spying spyware vpn

Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?

With so much choice out there for Antivirus products, it is hard to sometimes make a smart choice, especially when there are so called ‘Free’ products. But as the saying goes… there no such thing as a Free lunch! To safeguard your devices and data, it is extremely important to have the best protection you can get, one that will regularly update, to help to secure you from on-going & changing threats.  These ‘Free’ products can be very tempting, but beware, you may think you are receiving the software for free, but often the software has a ‘trade off’ where...

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Cybersecurity in 2021

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals cyberhabits devices hackers home devices home systems homeworker Internet security Software malware password manager phishing protection ransomware security risks Spear Phishing spyware

Cybersecurity in 2021

Never, in the history of the Internet, has it become so crucial & important in this past year, due mainly to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Shops, schools and businesses, plus personal communications via emails, video calls etc via the world wide web, have kept us all afloat during these unprecedented times. Sadly, the Cybercriminals & Hackers have been hard at work too, trying to infiltrate our business and personal cyberspace, so protecting our systems has never been more important. So, what is Cybersecurity? ‘Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from digital threats. Individuals and businesses...

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What is Hacking?

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals data protection databackup espionage hackers Hacking Internet security Software password manager passwords phishing ransomware security risks

What is Hacking?

Unless we have been living on a faraway distant planet, we have all heard of the term ‘Hacking’ But what is it actually? The Dictionary Definition: ‘Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose’. We have all seen the movies where the ‘Baddies’ have ‘hacked’ the governments computers and are able to launch the nuclear missiles to destroy the world! But in the real world, everyday Hacking is not quite so dramatic, but still can have devastating effects on personal...

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Can smart home assistants be hacked?

cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices future technology home devices home systems password manager passwords privacy protection safety security security risks shopping online SMART DEVICES spying

Can smart home assistants be hacked?

Smart home assistants, like Alexa and Google home, have soared in popularity across UK homes. A report showed that 22% of UK homes now own a digital home assistant, double the 11% figure reported in the same report for 2017. These devices have now become common place in our homes, we are now relying more and more on these smart assistants to aid us in our day to day routines, asking common questions like ‘is it going to rain today?’ or what’s the date today? Or linking it to our home systems like turning appliances, lights or the heating on. But are...

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Shopping online? Here are some safety tips you should know.

antivirus Antivirus Software App controls cyber security cybercriminals devices fake ads home devices home systems Internet security Software malware mobile apps Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security password manager passwords phishing privacy protection safety shopping online

Shopping online? Here are some safety tips you should know.

Shopping for food/household goods/Clothes is an essential part of all our lives, and shopping ‘Online’ has now become the ‘norm’ for most of us. 80% of internet users shop online at some point, and this is growing, particularly due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. While shopping online saves us an enormous amount of time and we can do it from the comfort of our own home, it comes with risks. This is something we must be aware of, and we must not be too complacent about. Please find below some tips to keep in mind when shopping on the...

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