News — fake ads
What are Deepfakes? & How to spot them.
Antivirus Software cyber security cybercriminals data protection fake ads hackers Identity theft infomation Internet security Software McAfee Antivirus software Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security pcsecurity privacy protection scams securirty

If you’ve heard about doctored photos and videos that look real, you’ve probably asked yourself: “What are deepfakes?” Deepfakes are videos and pictures created using computer software that look almost indistinguishable from the real deal. Learning how to recognize deepfakes and when they might be used as a part of a scam is the first step in protecting your digital existence. Then, get a powerful online security app to help you protect your identity, block hackers, and stay online safer. How do deepfakes work? Deepfakes combine existing images, video, or audio of a person in AI-powered deep learning software that...
Smishing? Don't get fooled by the Chameleon!!
Antivirus Software bank accounts cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals data protection fake ads hackers infomation password manager passwords pcsecurity phishing privacy scams security Smishing

Don’t let the Chameleon fraudsters trick you! You’ve probably already heard about Don’t let the Chameleon trick you!You’ve probably already heard about phishing emails, what they look like and what to avoid. Well, SMS phishing – or smishing, is the text equivalent. What do they look like and what should you do if you get one? Don’t let the Chameleon trick you! Check out what to look for below.What is Smishing? You’ve probably already heard about phishing emails, what they look like and what to avoid. Well, SMS phishing – or smishing, is the text equivalent. What do they look...
Some tips, in brief, to help you from being scammed
Antivirus Software bank accounts cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices fake ads hackers Hacking Internet security Software mobile banking passwords pcsecurity phishing protection scams security Spear Phishing

Here are some great tips to avoid being scammed, they may seem like common sense, but sometimes it helps to be reminded: Always check out callers/Emails, especially cold callers who claim to be Microsoft, your telephone provider, Bank or internet service provider. Legitimate organisations will encourage you to call back via a number you've obtained from a trustworthy source. Do not assume that the number displayed on your phone/device is accurate, these can be spoofed, leading you to believe that the caller is in the UK or from a trusted organisation. Don't call phone numbers on pop-up messages which indicate there...
Be safe when working from home.
antivirus Antivirus Software covid-19 cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices fake ads hackers home devices home systems homeworker Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams Spear Phishing

Cyber advice for homeworkers to avoid cyber criminals exploiting Covid-19 Due to the latest advice from our UK government, more & more business and companies are asking their employees to work from home. So, to aid companies, the UK’s Cyber Security Agency has issued guidance to keep data safe from criminals trying to use the virus for exploitation. It comes as more workers resort to working from home, in response to the latest recommendations from the Government aimed at slowing the spread of Covid-19. It warns that devices at home have a higher chance of being stolen or lost, so...
A guide to Malware in Smartphones and Fake Apps
antivirus Antivirus Software App controls cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber-criminals data protection devices fake ads hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software mobile apps Norton Antivirus Software ransomware security SMART DEVICES smartphones spyware

We have all probably heard of Malware by now and how it can infect and affect our desktop computers and laptops, but how many of us think of our Mobiles and Tablets becoming infected? Recent studies show that Malware attacks are slightly decreasing on Laptops and desktop computers and increasing on Smartphones and Tablets. Statistics show that Smartphone protection take up is a lot lower than with other devices, so because of this, hackers have changed direction and concentrated more on easier infiltration of our less protected devices like our smartphones. What types of Malware should we look for? Grayware....