News — cyber security

Start the New Year right!

Antivirus Software Credential stuffing cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals cybercriminals Dark web data breach data protection Hacking Norton 360 security security breach

Start the New Year right!

Have you heard the phase ’Credential stuffing’? No? well this is a method that cybercriminals use to infiltrate and breach systems, anything from PayPal, Netflix, Amazon, the list is endless. The cyberattacker has lists of compromised users account details i.e sign in details/passwords. There will be hundreds of thousands of stolen identities on the lists, gained from places like the Dark web. The attackers will then use these lists using special software & powerful computers to work at cyber speed, processing the stolen I Ds against thousands of Online services. It’s a game of chance, but with the number of...

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Do you really need antivirus software in 2022?

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices future technology hackers home systems Internet security Software Norton Antivirus Software pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams security

Do you really need antivirus software in 2022?

  Do you really need to use antivirus software these days? As we all know, technology is racing a long, changing and reforming, to aid us in our daily lives, but like Ying and Yang, with the good side of these amazing strides comes the bad side. The cybercriminals are working just as fast to keep ahead of changing technologies and creating malicious programs with the intent to either steal something or create havoc or both!   The answer is plain and simple, we need to keep our devices protected. I know that most of us think that not having...

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Some tips, in brief, to help you from being scammed

Antivirus Software bank accounts cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices fake ads hackers Hacking Internet security Software mobile banking passwords pcsecurity phishing protection scams security Spear Phishing

Some tips, in brief, to help you from being scammed

Here are some great tips to avoid being scammed, they may seem like common sense, but sometimes it helps to be reminded: Always check out callers/Emails, especially cold callers who claim to be Microsoft, your telephone provider, Bank or internet service provider. Legitimate organisations will encourage you to call back via a number you've obtained from a trustworthy source. Do not assume that the number displayed on your phone/device is accurate, these can be spoofed, leading you to believe that the caller is in the UK or from a trusted organisation. Don't call phone numbers on pop-up messages which indicate there...

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Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?

antivirus Antivirus Software cyber attack cyber crime protection cyber security cyber-criminals data protection devices geolocation hackers Hacking Internet security Software malware McAfee Antivirus software Norton 360 Norton Antivirus Software Norton Mobile Security password manager passwords pcsecurity phishing privacy protection ransomware scams security Spear Phishing spying spyware vpn

Free vs Paid Internet Security Software: What’s best?

With so much choice out there for Antivirus products, it is hard to sometimes make a smart choice, especially when there are so called ‘Free’ products. But as the saying goes… there no such thing as a Free lunch! To safeguard your devices and data, it is extremely important to have the best protection you can get, one that will regularly update, to help to secure you from on-going & changing threats.  These ‘Free’ products can be very tempting, but beware, you may think you are receiving the software for free, but often the software has a ‘trade off’ where...

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Am I being spied on by my Smart home assistant?

bank accounts cyber security cybercriminals data protection devices future technology geolocation home devices home systems

Am I being spied on by my Smart home assistant?

Smart home assistants, like Alexa and Google home, have soared in popularity across UK homes. A report showed that 22% of UK homes now own a digital home assistant, double the 11% figure reported in the same report for 2017. These devices have now become common place in our homes, we are now relying more and more on these smart assistants to aid us in our day to day routines, asking common questions like ‘is it going to rain today?’ or what’s the date today? Or linking it to our home systems like turning appliances, lights or the heating on. But are...

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